August 21, 2024

IMO latest updates on seafarers’ rights and abandonment

During its 111th session held in person from April 22 to 26, 2024, the IMO Legal Committee (LEG 111) covered various topics, including seafarer issues. Key discussions addressed the fair treatment of seafarers, and the establishment of a new Task Force to review the abandonment database. Seafarer abandonment occurs when shipowners fail to meet their obligations regarding timely repatriation, payment of outstanding wages, and the provision of basic necessities like food, accommodation, and medical care. The IMO has seen a worrying increase in abandonment cases, with 142 new incidents reported in 2023, up from 109 in 2022, 95 in 2021, and 85 in 2020. Between 2017 and 2019, the annual number of incidents ranged from 40 to 55, while from 2011 to 2016, there were between 12 and 19 cases each year.